How to Take Care of your Band Equipment while on Tour

Performing in far-off places is a welcome treat for most musicians. The experience comes with excitement and it’s really cool to perform in front of a new crowd and in a new environment.

However, there is an important question that you should not disregard especially when preparing to travel to another place for a musical engagement: How can you ensure that the band equipment is properly cared for while you’re on tour?

While you’ll find that taking care of musical instruments is easy for singers and flutists, it is the other way around for performers who are handling big band equipment, such as drums, guitars, saxophones, bass, and keyboard.

To help you, this article discusses some useful tips to provide the best care for your band equipment and keep you free from worry while on tour.

How to Care for Your Band Equipment while On Tour

Bring Only What’s Necessary

For musical gigs that will require long hours of travel, unnecessary damages to band equipment can be prevented if you will choose to pack light and wisely. The truth is you don’t need to bring everything, especially the spare instruments that you may not be able to use. When traveling, the best option is to bring the most dependable band equipment that can get you through your performances.

Keep Your Tools Handy

It will be so frustrating to end up with a broken instrument while on tour, but you need not worry about not being able to use your equipment especially if your tools come handy. Whether it is a broken string, loose screw, or a cable issue, problems can be prevented and you can still perform if you will be able to handle the troubles like a pro–of course, with the help of some basic tools.

Find a Reliable Band Equipment Rental

To spare your band equipment from the damages that may be acquired while traveling, it is important to know beforehand if there is a band equipment rental available in your destination. The cost of renting is nothing compared to the risk that your equipment may bear with. However, you have to find a dependable sound system that provides high-quality band equipment to ensure that what you’ll get will be just as good as the ones you own.

Use a Flight Case (Road Case)

Every musician puts great value on the band equipment they use and while it may seem pricey, investing in a flight case is a wise thing that you must do. A flight case provides the extra protection needed to keep instruments free from damages as it is designed for storing and shipping band equipment while musicians like you are on the road. And even on days when your band equipment is just resting at home, it can never be more safe and secure than in a flight case.

Pack Right and Smart

Be creative in packing your band equipment and make use of the spaces provided by its casing. Big band equipment like drums, guitars, and bass usually come with cases that allow extra space for the other things you pack. Not only will you be able to maximize the space in your luggage, you can also protect your precious equipment by using your clothes or socks as extra padding to line your instrument.

Always Keep an Eye on Your Band Equipment

As much as possible, keep your band equipment within your eye’s range. This will allow you to act promptly to protect your instruments in case of an impending accident. This is also a smart thing to do to avoid loss or theft since you are in a strange place and possibly, you will be working with people you barely know.

Now that your gears are packed, nothing can stop you from staging your performance in a far-off place.

Did you find this article useful? Learn more tips and relevant information by visiting our blog. Or drop us a line for your band equipment rental needs.